The Haywood Healthcare Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit foundation, is committed to improving healthcare for underserved individuals and families in Haywood County through educational programs, grants, scholarships and leadership opportunities.
The Haywood Healthcare Foundation Board of Trustees voted at their June meeting to award $497,500 in grants for fiscal year July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 to fulfill its mission (as mentioned above) to the following agencies to help them meet the healthcare needs in Haywood County:
REACH of Haywood County – provide support for a Community Educator to continue the delivery of their domestic violence and sexual assault youth education outreach program “Safe Date”, provide supplies and healthy snacks to 7th and 8th graders in the “Safe Date” program
Child Medical Collaborative, Inc. – provide support for a full-time Physician Assistant to provide complete care for victims of child abuse or neglect in Haywood County
Haywood Pathways Center, Inc. – provide support for the following:
• Two full-time Peer Support Specialists – provides support guidance and advocacy to help residents cope with various issues inhibiting physical and mental health
• One full-time Case Manager – offers person-centered goal planning, resource referral, drug/alcohol screening, and additional support to help residents overcome health issues and barriers to success, includes effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Kiwanis Club of Waynesville – provide playground equipment specifically designed for children with special needs to replace, expand and improve the small playground that was severely damaged in the August 2021 flood
Autism Society of North Carolina (Haywood) – expand the Haywood County Parent Resource Library from which families can request autism resources at no cost
HRMC Nurse Navigator Program – to assist Haywood County cancer patients with financial needs, transportation assistance so treatment can be provided in an efficient and timely manner
First United Methodist Church Friendship House of Waynesville – provide various services to support Haywood County’s disproportionately impacted communities
Southwestern Child Development Commission – provide support for the “Birth to Two” Program for low-income mothers in Haywood County
• Teaching mothers about the growth and development of their babies
• Continuing staff education
Haywood County and Haywood County Recreation & Parks – provide support for a Bike Park for Haywood County residents including those with special needs. Parks and access to outdoors are essential for physical and mental health
Haywood County Health and Human Services – provide dental care to Haywood County indigent patients at a minimal cost
Haywood Historic Farmers’ Market – continue and expand Haywood Mobile Market project (vendors donate unsold produce for delivery to Haywood County residents in need)
No Boundaries – provide support to assist with the medical equipment and supply loan closet, which will service more Haywood County individuals in need of medical equipment and supplies
Long’s Chapel United Methodist Church – provide support for their new Health and Wellness Ministry Program aimed at offering wellness programs, health resources coordination and promoting health advocacy in Haywood County
Helping Hands of Haywood – help the “hidden” Haywood residents that are currently underserved, living without safe shelter, proper nutrition, and without proper healthcare services
Clothes to Kids of Haywood County – provide support for their “Bath Buddies” Program – a kit which includes bath soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrush, and for girls, feminine products
Smoky Mountain Medical Society – provide continuing education to Haywood County medical providers with topics on chronic disease management
HRMC Nutrition Counseling – provide nutrition services to Haywood County cancer patients that do not have insurance coverage for nutrition services while undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment
Mountain Projects, Inc. – provide media outreach for the Certified Application Counselor Program, which provides free in-person assistance to Haywood County residents looking to enroll in the Affordable Care Act